Principal’s Message
Principal's Message

Jacqueline Brooks Smith
I am thrilled to be joining Springfield International School as its founding Principal –taking up my fifth Principalship. I started my full-time teaching career in 1985 and since then I have held several middle and senior leadership roles in schools and colleges worldwide. I have extensive experience of the English National Curriculum (I) GCSE, (I) AS/ A-Level and have led teams and opened new international schools in Singapore; France; Hungary; China; Jordan, and the UAE (including Dubai Abu Dhabi and Ras al-Khaimah).
I have also worked in the UK in both state and independent educational establishments in London, Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Surrey, and Yorkshire. During my career, I have taught French, Spanish, English, and ICT, led departments; held the post Head of Sixth Form; Head of Key Stage 3; Assistant Head; Head of Secondary and Whole School Principal both here in the Middle East and overseas.
I believe passionately in breadth and challenge, as well as a holistic approach and philosophy. I see my role as a pivotal one supporting, encouraging, facilitating, and enabling every individual to achieve their personal best. I strive to build social capital and create a nurturing supportive environment within the school for all. My duty of care is to both students and staff and I value greatly the relationship between home and school and encourage parent input together with all stakeholders.
I am in the UAE with my husband, Gary, who is a University Professor and Head of Incubation. We are the proud parents of four grown up children – two sons, Edward and Charles, and two daughters, Harriet and Imogen, all of whom are here in the UAE. Our family home is in Surrey in the UK, but we are all based here for the long-term, having already lived here three or four times since1994.
I have an open-door policy and very much look forward to welcoming you personally soon to see for yourself first-hand what a truly fantastic school SIS is and invite you to join our amazing new community…